Power to the patient: how cancer vaccines arm our immune system

Power to the patient: how cancer vaccines arm our immune system

Power to the patient: how cancer vaccines arm our immune system

What if we could strengthen the body of a cancer patient to fight cancer cells by itself, avoiding the collateral damage caused by chemo- and radiotherapy? The rapidly developing field offers multiple promising routes to make that a reality. VIB researchers Prof. Damya Laoui (VUB) and Dr. Lien Van Hoecke (Ghent University) are exploring the powers of so-called "cancer vaccines" to boost the immune systems of cancer patients and help them fight their disease.

Immuno-oncology took center stage in cancer research only recently. A more complete picture of the tumor microenvironment – the complex structures surrounding cancer cells – and technological evolutions offered scientists a deeper understanding of the human immune system's role in cancer development and in possible therapies. A few years ago, two researchers at the Universities of Brussels and Ghent decided to deep-dive into this promising cancer research field, each focusing on a specific angle.

De grensverleggers

Prof. Damya Laoui
Researcher at the VIB Inflammation Research Center, VUB
Dr. Lien Van Hoecke
Researcher at the VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research
Prof. Jo Van Ginderachter
Group leader at the VIB Inflammation Research Center, VUB
Prof. Peter Vandenabeele
Group leader at the VIB-UGent Inflammation Research Center
Prof. Xavier Saelens
Group leader at the VIB-UGent Center for Medical Biotechnology

Warning our immune system's messengers

In order to generate an anti-tumor response, our immune system should be able to recognize and target the cancer cells. This 'messenger' function is normally performed by our dendritic cells, a specific type of white blood cells. For a long time, researchers believed that tumors suppress these dendritic cells, impeding a proper immune response. In 2016, however, a team led by Professor Jo Van Ginderachter revealed that two specific types of dendritic cells – cDC1 and cDC2 – do resist suppression by tumors and have the power to cause an immune response. Damya Laoui was one of the team's main drivers.

Damya Laoui: "We surgically removed cDC1 and cDC2 from tumors in mice, boosted their activity and reinjected them as a vaccine. This strategy caused a strong anti-tumor response and slowed down the growth of the tumor – a gigantic breakthrough in immunotherapy for two reasons. On the one hand, we identified not one, but two dendritic cells able to cause an immune response. On the other, we found that these dendritic cells even have the potential to prevent cancers from spreading to other body parts – so-called metastasis – as they can remember the genetic print of the cancer cells."

"Following our success with mice experiments, we're now preparing clinical trials for humans. The idea is to 'vaccinate' cancer patients with dendritic cells taken from their own tumors in order to trigger their immune systems, kill cancer cells and slow down tumor growth. We should be careful with the term 'vaccine,' though, because we'll probably never be able to inject these types of dendritic cells into healthy people. Because we are reinforcing an individual's immune response, this technique can only succeed in people who are already dealing with a tumor. But the prospect of developing personalized therapies that offer a solution to metastasis and tumor relapse is very exciting."

CAR-T cell therapy production in Ghent

In June 2021, Janssen Pharmaceutica announced some exciting news. They chose Ghent's Tech Lane Science Park to build their first European cell-therapy production site. This is a clear confirmation of the international appeal of VIB's local life sciences ecosystem and a more than valuable addition to the emerging cell and gene therapy hub in Belgium. While Damya Laoui and her team focus on dendritic cells, Janssen Pharmaceutica will produce CAR-T cell therapies.

"T-cells are the soldiers that actually fight the cancer cells," Laoui explains. "Dendritic cells are the messengers that deliver information to these soldiers. In CAR-T cell therapy, the T-cells are armed and trained outside the body to recognize tumor-derived structures, known as antigens. After reinjection, the T-cells can locate and kill cancer cells. The advantage of our dendritic cell approach is that we don't need to know which specific antigen we're fighting. Moreover, if a cancer cell mutates, the antigens change and the CAR-T therapy will be less effective. We're confident we can anticipate cancer progression in many ways using dendritic cell therapies."

Learning from cancer cell death

While Damya Laoui is examining dendritic cells in Brussels, Lien Van Hoecke is doing the same in Ghent. As a member of the team led by Professor Xavier Saelens at the Center for Medical Biotechnology, she has been working on another possible cancer treatment stimulating the immune system. She was inspired by research in the area of personalized cancer therapies, such as the Pointillism project, but looked at it from a different angle.

New technologies, such as single-cell technology, help us understand the many details in the human body and make it possible to link different defense mechanisms.
Damya Laoui
Prof. Damya Laoui
Researcher at the VIB Inflammation Research Center, VUB

Lien Van Hoecke: "Modifying the cells of a cancer patient is a viable strategy, but it costs considerable time and money to treat each person individually. That's why, during my PhD, I investigated a kind of 'one size fits all' approach. Previous research by Professor Peter Vandenabeele showed that necroptosis, a form of cell death, sounds an alarm for the immune system. This phenomenon is called immunogenic cell death and makes the dying cancer cells targets for the immune system, which remembers to seek out and attack those cancerous cells."

"We searched for a technique to provoke necroptosis and discovered that mRNA vaccines – a way to inject genetic information into the human body also used for the COVID-19 vaccines – can trigger this immunogenic cell death – activating the same dendritic cells Professor Laoui is investigating. mRNA methods are gaining attention in immuno-oncology because they provide highly adaptable platforms to feed tumors with genetic therapeutics. This offers us yet another promising route in fighting cancer."

Up next: Alzheimer's disease

For her postdoctoral research project, Lien Van Hoecke switched from oncology to neurology, more specifically to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, joining the Roosmarijn Vandenbroucke lab at the VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research. "In about ten years, we've learned a lot about the link between immunology and cancer," Van Hoecke explains. "It became clear that triggering the immune system is very effective and precise in addressing cancer. These insights are gaining ground in the field of neurology too, but neuroimmunology is still in its early stages. To accelerate the development, I'm taking my insights from cancer and applying them to Alzheimer's disease research."

Far-reaching cross-pollination

What future do Laoui and Van Hoecke see for immuno-oncology? Laoui: "We'll keep investigating different routes to strengthen our immune system, to see which therapies offer potential. Cancer vaccines are one way, the Pointillism project is another. We'll probably end up with a combination of different therapies. New technologies, such as single-cell technology, help us understand the many details in the human body and make it possible to link different defense mechanisms."

Van Hoecke: "I also believe we're heading for a broader approach to fight cancer and other diseases, enabling our immune system in any possible way. VIB is the best place to be to make that happen, thanks to the strong relations between the different centers, within and across research fields. My switch from oncology to neurology is a clear example of that cross-pollination."

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